North West police process crimes related to elections
[File Image] Members of the South African Police Service during a parade.
Image Credits : GCIS


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Police in the North West say they have dealt with several matters reported on voting day.

In Wolmaranstad, a case was opened after a person, whose name did not appear on the voters’ roll, was allegedly allowed to vote.

In Itsoseng, one Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) official allegedly stabbed another.

Provincial police spokesperson Brigadier Sabata Mokgwabone says a case of contravention of the Electoral Act was opened at Bedwang police station after a party agent allegedly attempted to influence a person to vote for a particular political party.

“The docket will be placed before prosecution today. The suspect is alleged to be an ANC (African National Congress) ward councillor,” adds Mokgwabone.

Meanwhile, the ANC’s North West spokesperson Tumelo Maruping has denied any wrongdoing as far as the involvement of one of their agents influencing anyone to vote for the party.

“So the person who saw him as part of the party agent at the voting time then said that person was working for ANC during the day and then from there they decided to open a case. But that allegation is not true.”

NATJOINTS’ Lt-Gen Tebello Mosikili updates on election-related crimes:

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