We want a strong police, we don’t want cowards, says Malema
EFF leader Julius Malema addresses residents of Khayamnandi in Stellebosch in the Western Cape.
Image Credits : X: @EFFSouthAfrica


Reading Time: 2 minutes

The Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) Leader Julius Malema has told over thousand supporters in Kayamnandi in Stellenbosch that the Western Cape needs a strong police commissioner who will tackle gangsterism and other criminal activities in the province.

He praised KwaZulu-Natal Police Commissioner Nhlanhla Mkhwanazi for how he’s tackled crime in the province so far.

Malema was addressing the crowd during his election campaign trail.

“We want a strong police. We don’t want cowards. We want to fight gangsterism toe-for-toe. We want a police Commissioner like Mkwhanazi of KZN. That one doesn’t play. Every time some chancers raise their ugly head, de drops them,” Malema says.

He further states: “When I was in KwaZulu-Natal, he killed four criminals who were committing cash-in-transit heists. We want a strong commissioner here in the Western Cape where gangsterism is the order of the day. Where extortion is the order of the day and where criminals go to business and say give me a protection fee. Under the EFF, there will be no protection fee. There will be free protection for all the citizens of Kayamnandi and all the citizens of the Western Cape in particular the women and children.”

The red-beret party leader also lauded residents for the structures they have begun building on some of the slopes of the Stellenbosch mountains. 

“We are here today to remind Helen Zille and Rupert that this is not their land. This land belongs to the people of Khayamnandi. It belongs to the people of Azania. It belongs to the people of Enkanini because we were born here. We did not take anyone’s land. They came and found us here, conquered us and took our land. We want it back. We can see that you are already doing a good job, you have gone up the mountain there in Azania. There is another one this side which must be sorted when the time allows. No one must stay without a land,” he said.   

2024 Elections | EFF campaigns in the Western Cape:

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