Our election machinery is strong: Ramaphosa
African National Congress President Cyril Ramaphosa.
Image Credits :X @MyANC


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ANC President Cyril Ramaphosa says the party is on track to win the hearts of South Africans ahead of the general elections in May. Ramaphosa visited communities on the KwaZulu-Natal South Coast today.

He also addressed a community gathering in the area where hundreds of people attended.

He says the party will improve its delivery in job creation, grants, housing and other services.

“The interaction with our people for us it is very important. It gives us the time to reflect on the things our people need. The challenges of electricity, housing, roads and the payment of pensioners, R350. We get to understand what the prime issues are ahead of the elections. I am very pleased to see that our election machinery is strong. It is prime for the election on the 29th.”

Meanwhile, Mtwalume residents pleaded with Ramaphosa to address issues of gender-based violence and water shortages.

“The biggest challenge our community is facing in GBV. If the president can help deal with that. Our communities are faced with a number of challenges especially water and electricity. But we do hope that it will get better.”



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